Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th!!!

Friday the 13th.....oooooh. I'll be spending my day dancing under ladders while smashing a few mirrors....good times.

Well, the tools from NTL made a mess of it again... Return back to the gaff to find an NTL card left stating they called but "could not gain access". Thing is, they were meant to call me prior to their arrival to give around an hour's call. So, thanks for the roach. Jerks. One of the Eircom piggybacks has popped up this morning. Fingers crossed it will still be up when I return so I can get my SNG on!

In poker news, my fortunes have taken a turn for the better. I got to the final of the last big house game (but got pwned by Buck), and have won 2 live HellKats also. The big win is coming....

Random Spam:

Giraffe milk has just been pronounced as kosher.

I've just launched my Flickr Photostream. It will be an ongoing "work in progress".

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