Tuesday, August 26, 2008

$125,000 worth of genius....

.....having sobered up considerably since the previous post I found this on ebay. A vintage 1957 Les Paul....awesome axe. Live poker games continue to kill me slowly, having a dreadful run of luck. Online attempts have been ok. I've lessened my online play a lot, normally going in for one SNG every couple of days. Came third in a €3 2-table sng last night bagging myself €10. The EGLP is getting closer...slowly. We now have a new housemate in the form of 2Face/Face Off the cat. She arrived on Sunday evening, and once she gets settled I'll throw up a few pics.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Saturday was shit-rough weather wise. A Shakespearean-like storm set an apt backdrop for a day that saw one of Dublin's most beloved and respected icons pass on from this life into the next. Ronnie Drew lead a life that will be loved, discussed and cherished for many years to come. Together with The Dubliners, Ronnie created music that brings (and will continue to bring) smiles to faces throughout the world. Everything must end, but Ronnie sealed his infinity in this life with his art - the songs that will only die on the day that the world itself dies. Ronnie battled throat cancer for a long time but unfortunately he eventually lost the battle. Although Ronnie's earthly being is gone, his spirit will remain here forever. I am not the biggest Dubliners fan but I both respect and admire how Ronnie's music ignites such intense passion within so many people, and that's something that every self-respecting musician strives for, but for the most part can only dream of achieving.


Friday, August 15, 2008

another GNR leak

At 00:00 Chinese Time on 15.08.2008 another Guns N Roses song from Chinese Democracy leaked online.

It is out there if you know where to look for it....

......and it is amazing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rain, rain go away...

A (crappy) picture of how things looked from my bedroom window at around 7pm last Saturday evening.

I think it's official, the Irish summer is a thing of the past. Come to think of it, the differentials between the various seasons are becoming increasingly slight. It just rains. All the time. The odd spell of sunshine occurs for exactly the amount of time it takes you to think "I'll actually get a wash done now and get to hang the clothes out to dry...." (wash clothes) (hang out on line) (rain). It's a vicious circle, because of the rain I find myself washing the same set of clothes twice, maybe three times....using 2x / 3x electricity/energy/blah etc. Carbon footprint increases. Climate change. More rain. Wash clothes again. Start from top. Dammit.

Drunkeness at the weekend cost me big in my online poker mishaps. Without going into too much detail, metaphoricaly speaking, I've gone from affording 1 pickup & a set of strings from the EGLP to prolly being able to buy one string off it now...(There's a Photoshop idea - Picture of the EGLP and remove the various parts I can now "afford" using my online poker a/c. Kind of a "countdown to". Each week a new EGLP pic posted to show progress or lack there of... Meh...sounds better in my mind, especially as I think of how tedious it could get - farting around with Photoshop for hours on end just to express what? - How I screwed up in poker? Nah...)

The weekly Sunday game started off good, very good. Nice hands, a few solid wins, but eventually it all backfired. Woo hit me up with a suckerpunch and Cob demolished what remained. I won the following Hellkat which was nice (made money back from big game), but I'm still chasing a few consecutive big wins.

Song of the game/night: "Ed Solo & Skool of Thought feat. Darrison & JFB - We Play The Music "

....that no one likes.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

my new quest.....

(allow me to introduce the Epiphone Gothic Les Paul Studio Electric guitar - This will be my reward when I make €300 through online poker.)

Had a good weekend of online play, abiding by my now very strict playing policy I managed to boost my account healthily. It's a pity I cannot say the same about my live game.....came 2nd on Sunday to a drunken Suggo. I bought his bluff and he did major damage. A few hands later I went all in on JJ only to witness Suggo getting lucky on the river giving him the Ace he needed to complete his pair. Still, apart from falling for the bluff I feel I played ok......still a lot to iron out but getting there....

A selection of popular album covers recreated in Lego.

For anyone who wants to get anal about the best film of the summer.....