(Props to lolcats for this hilarious cat pic.) After winning the SNG I went into the house game on a high..... The genius hands kept on coming, within the first 10 hands I got 2 flushes, pocket aces, 3 full houses (and 4 garbage hands). My chipstack was unstoppable, kind of akin to a giant behemoth (not of this world) destroying all before it. I was unleashing my own brand of hell at the table. As the lads got destroyed the buy backs were flowing and my stack was constantly on the increase. I sat back and reflected momentarily, took a look at the healthy pot, saw my name in lights and drew a sigh of relief. Nothing could stop me now.
Then Cob joined the game.
As if by magic, my hands did an Optimus from 10 10, AK (suited), AA to 10/3 off, 2 6 off, etc. etc. From there it only got worse. Cob struck and he completely destroyed me. I was, and still am, in disbelief at what happened. Looking at my chipstack earlier no one in their right mind would have bet against me winning the damned thing, but alas, no one in their right mind should ever try to play poker against Cob (well at least not when he's having the run he's currently having). In a hapless attempt to save some face I threw my €5 into the HellKat game. Let's say the dessert was as bad as the main meal. And yes, Cob won that too. I think the only thing to do is just fold any hand the man goes in on. There is no point. He will either out bet me on the table, or if I get a decent hand (QQ, KK, AA) he'll see my all in with his garbage and come good.
Well at least we had a good laugh playing, a particular standout moment of comedy was when Snowy pwned me with 3 4's... I had top pair (a laughed at pair of 8's), didn't even notice the second 4 appearing on the table, but come the end of the hand, I knew all about it.
Fours!!! Three FOURS!!!????" (pwned)
Tonight's another night and another game. I'm getting my SNG on straight away when I get back to my lair and when I win that, hopefully it will "set the tone" for my performace in the house game.
More songs leaked from Chinese Democracy last week. New Song #2 and New Song #3 (known in some circles as "If The World") are very impressive....the latter being my new fave GNR track...for now (I ain't forgetting about you, TWAT). Good news for GNR fans, bad news for the player who uploaded the leaks in the first place, as
the FBI turn up to chew the breeze and wax lyrical.