Saturday, June 27, 2009

Intoxoposticons - sobriety in disguise....

(The following piece was "composed" @/circa 4 a.m. - so when i sober up this'll prolly get deleted....I hope not tho... but only the "sober me" will decide....)

RIP Michael Jackson.

One of my childhood heroes, the first music artist who got me into Besides all the $hit that surrounded him, I'll always remember him for the tunes he gave us and the moves that inspired me to, albeit while being laughed at, dance like never before. Even to this day, the moves I can (now & again) pull off are fundimentally (Chris word, sic? i/e?) down to MJ's stylings. Personally, I can't prove any accusations thrown his way guilty or innocent - I hope innocent. But as far as his artistic craft went, he was in a league of his own. Those moves.... Those tracks... It kills me to read the never ending, unproven; but dubious, accusations... Regardless - I hope that after a life of pain he has finally found peace, in a greater place. RIP MJ.

Shine On, You Crazy Diamond.

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